Yesterday, Ruhut Sitompul, politician of Partai Demokrat (SBY's political party) stated that the Constitution should be amended so that the Presidential term will be three term, instead of the current Constitution which only allows two Presidential term. This of course will make SBY be President for three term.
Amending constitution is always possible. But what I am concerned is that we've passed the era of New Order more than a decade ago, where Soeharto reigned as President for 31 years (1967-1998). Even in the Soekarno's era, people had tried to make him President for life. The era of those two Presidents saw a hard times of ruthless and dictatorship by both of them.
So now let's take a look at what Ruhut said. If he really intended to make SBY President for the third term, he should have think first about what the people think of SBY now. When SBY started the beginning of his second term, issues like the Century Bank hit him hard and he can do nothing. To redeem the heat of the Century Bank, he released Sri Mulyani from her Financial Minister position to became one of the director in World Bank. That was one of the greatest mistake in SBY's decision.
Even now, the popularity of SBY keeps on decreasing. See the case of exploding gas tanks and the violation of freedom in religion. He hasn't do anything for those issues.
As stated in Rob Baiton's writing 'Is SBY Fit to be President of Indonesia' we should think twice if SBY is still fit to be Indonesia's President.
Currently Ruhut is expected to be summoned by the Democratic Party disciplinary committee after stating that he would fight to allow Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono to sit a third term in office. Now that's what you get for being such a bigmouth.
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