Lately there have been reports on assault to the Christian. It varies from 'Church burned down to ashes', 'The Christians are being forbid to do their religious activities', and so on..
From January to July, there were 28 cases of religious freedom violations by some 'intolerant groups'. Well, you probably know that these 'intolerant groups' were some radical Muslim groups. The popular one, the 'you know what', is FPI (as you all known).
Last sunday, I heard a report from twitter that FPI forbids the Christian in Ciketing Asam Bekasi, to do their religious activities. Their reason is simple, because in that area most people are Muslim (an idiotic reason to begin with, don't you think?). They even threatened the Christian, if the Christian won't obey them, they will stabbed the Christian.
Before, there were also a case that the Christian are being forbid to built a church. I found this article that reports about how the Christian were trying to build a church, when suddenly the construction was sealed off. They were also being intimidated by a group calling themselves Communication Forum for Indonesian Muslims (Forkami).
Those cases show us how we, as a nation, have forgotten the basic human rights which is to have a religion and do its religious activity without interruption. Our constitution itself contains a law about religion (which I forgot unfortunately). So basically as an Indonesian, they have violated the law and the human rights.
And now, from religious view, let's take a look at the Prophet Muhammad era. As a Muslim, the Prophet Muhammad respects other religion as well. He made a pact with the Jewish to not disturbs each religious activities. Now those 'so called' Muslim groups, have they forgot what the Prophet had taught us? I still remember a part of Surah Al-Kafirun from The Holy Al-Qur'an saying 'Lakum dinukum waliyadin' which means 'To you your religion, to me my religion'. My teacher in high-school told me that the Surah was meant for a respect between each others religion. So did those radical Muslim groups forgot what the Al-Qur'an has taught us?
I myself was raised mostly in my mother's family which mostly are Christian (my mom and some of her siblings have converted to Muslim when they were married). So basically since I was a kid, I learned how to respect each others religion. And when I grew up, I have friends who came from a different religious background, not only Christian or Catholic, but there are also Buddha, Hindu and even who proclaimed as an Atheist. I still respect them up until now.
So once again I asked, Have This Nation Lost Its Tolerance? If this Nation proclaimed itself as a democratic nation with not an Islamic Nation, we all have to do something about this sooner or later.
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